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As Young As You Feel Day

Written by on March 22, 2023

As Young As You Feel Day is a day for losing your inhibitions. So forget worrying about what other people think, whether they think you are too old, and do whatever it is that makes you feel young!


History of As Young As You Feel Day

If you are in good health, but feel restricted by how you are expected to behave, then As Young As You Feel Day is the time to rebel! People can only live this life once and As Young As You Feel Day is a good reminder to everyone that age is a number, and certainly should not be used to stop people from enjoying themselves.

Founded by Thomas and Ruth Roy of Wellcat Holidays, As Young As You Feel Day was established to offer an opportunity for people to forget about what’s age appropriate and do whatever they like or want. The day is celebrated each year just after the spring solstice, which is a great time for anyone to feel a bit of youthful spring in their step!

Perhaps, instead of enlisting some beauty regimens that might try to defy aging, or engaging in some Ponce de Leon activities that search for a fountain of youth, As Young As You Feel Day could be spent simply enjoying whatever age a person is now. Embrace the day and celebrate that today is the youngest that any person will ever be in their lives. So enjoy it!