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‘Deleted the photos’: Wedding photographer’s vengeance divides internet

Written by on October 17, 2021

A wedding photographer's actions have caused a stir online. Photo / Getty Images

A wedding photographer’s acts have divided the internet after the photographer deleted the photos before leaving the venue.

Like most moral dilemmas on the internet, they usually end up on popular Reddit forum AITA.

A wedding photographer caused a stir when they revealed that they deleted all the photos they took in front of the groom on the big day, but their version of the story points to important reasons why he decided to do so. They claimed that they had to work in “unbelievably hot” conditions during their 10-hour stint and were denied any of the food or refill his water bottle.

They explained in the post that they usually work as a dog groomer, but agreed to work at the wedding when their friend asked.

They agreed to work at the event for $250, which they say “is nothing for a 10 hour event”.

“I told him it’s not really my forte but he convinced me by saying he didn’t care if they were perfect: They were on a shoestring budget.

“I started around 11am and was due to finish around 7.30 pm,” they added.

“Around 5pm, food is being served and I was told I cannot stop to eat because I need to be a photographer; in fact, they didn’t save me a spot at any table.”

They continued: “I told the groom I need to take off for 20min to get something to eat and drink… He tells me I need to either be a photographer or leave without pay.

“With the heat, being hungry, being generally annoyed at the circumstances, I asked if he was sure, and he said ‘yes’.

“I deleted all the photos I took in front of him and took off saying I’m not his photographer anymore.”

Source: Reddit