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How to Get Rid of Dandruff

Written by on March 4, 2022

Dandruff is a specific form of seborrheic dermatitis that is confined to the scalp. Many factors contribute to this problem such as excessively dry or oily scalp, preexisting inflammatory skin disorders, poor hair and scalp hygiene, and microbial overgrowth on the scalp, to name a few.

Dandruff can reflect poorly on your appearance and hygiene, which can affect your confidence. Plus, it can make your scalp perpetually itchy and irritated, which can be quite bothersome.


Home Remedies to Treat Dandruff

The following remedies can help in the management of mild or early-stage dandruff, but they may not be very effective for severe cases. You must use them consistently for several weeks to see results.

Caution: Do a patch test before trying any of the remedies to prevent allergic reactions.

1. Neem and coconut oil

neem and coconut oil usage can help in dandruff prevention

Neem possesses antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties, (2) both of which can help in the treatment of dandruff. This healing ingredient not only limits the yeast overgrowth responsible for dandruff but also reduces the itching and redness caused by it.

How to use:

  • You can prepare a neem-based hair mask by grinding 10–20 neem leaves with coconut oil until they form a thick paste. You can replace coconut oil with henna and water. This hair mask works especially well during the summer months.
  • You can also prepare a hair rinse by boiling some neem leaves for 10–15 minutes and then filtering out the liquid into a container. Let it cool down and use it to wash your hair multiple times after shampooing.

Source : home remedies index