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Author: Anamika Singh

Page: 15

The Centennial Light is the world’s longest-lasting light bulb, burning since 1901, and almost never turned off. It is located at 4550 East Avenue, Livermore, California. Source: Wikipedia

Across many cultures, sweetness prevails as a positive symbol, representing joyous occasions and victories. Source:

Here’s a 3-year-old that can access and drive a Ferrari SF 90 Stradale his parents own. He doesn’t just drive it, he drives it well. The boy’s name is Zayn Sofuoglu, and […]

The Dead Sea is so dense with salt that you can easily float on it without drowning.

If you are a woman and you dream of a bachelor it can suggest that you are thinking about settling down in some aspect of your life. This could possibly […]

The most expensive pizza in the world was created by Renato Viola for a select crowd in Salerno, a coastal city in Italy. At 20cm, it’s a pizza for two; […]

To dream that you are an athlete on a sports field is an indication that, you have pushed yourself to the limits. There is something in your life which you […]

Dolphins will delibrately provoke pufferfish so that they will inflate and can then be used as a ball for their games.

If you dream of an arrow in most cases, it has a positive interpretation because it is associated with success. It could be a sign that you are confident in […]

Strange behavior was detected in birds and other animals just before the 7.5 magnitude earthquake in Turkey.