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Noisy cockerel is taken to Court

Written by on August 11, 2022

An elderly German couple are taking to court the owner of a cockerel which they say crows 200 times a day and is tantamount to ‘torture’.

Friedrich-Wilhelm K., 76, and his wife Jutta, say Magda the rooster begins cock-a-doodle-dooing from 8am in the morning and doesn’t shut up for the rest of the day.

The pair want the bird removed from their next-door neighbour’s home in Bad Salzuflen in western Germany, and in preparation for court made daily logs recording each time Magda crowed.

‘A cockerel doesn’t belong on a quiet housing estate,’ said the couple’s lawyer Torsten Gieseke, while Friedrich-Wilhelm pointed out that one neighbour moved away two years ago due to the unbearable crowing.

But Magda’s owner, Michael D., 50, argued that it’s essential to keep the rooster to ensure his hens stay in line.

‘The hens need the rooster, otherwise they would pluck each other,’ the owner protested.

Michael bought five chicks in 2018 for his garden with the intention of harvesting their eggs.

But one of the chicks turned out to be a rooster and quickly began angering local residents.

Source: Mail Online