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Rug that doubles as an alarm clock will only be silenced by your footprints

Written by on April 12, 2024

If you’re more likely to take swipe at the snooze button than leap out of bed, then you might have pondered new ways to transform yourself into a morning person. For inventor Winson Tam, this meant reimagining the alarm clock as a comfortable rug that shuts up only when you plant your feet on it.

Three seconds on a soft and snuggly rug mightn’t be enough to completely quash the allure of a sleep in, especially if it is sat right at the bedside, but it is certainly an imaginative approach. Perhaps particularly stubborn over-sleepers might station their Ruggies on the other side of the room to put some distance between them and their toasty warm sheets.

Ruggie is fitted with a USB port, through which users can connect a computer to configure the alarm. Options include setting their own custom sounds to wake up to, which might include motivational messages to get the day started on an optimistic note.

Ruggie is merciless in its bid to get you out of bed

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