Bollywood filmmaker Vishal Bhardwaj’s son Aasman Bhardwaj is set to mark his directorial debut with his upcoming movie Kuttey. The ensemble star cast of the film includes Arjun Kapoor, Tabu, Naseeruddin […]

The trailer and songs of Aasmaan Bhardwaj’s multi-starrer Kuttey have succeeded in making heads turn. Now, in order to increase the buzz of the film, the makers have organized a musical evening […]

Advertised as a ‘series of 15 sessions, designed to help couples ‘invest on their relationship and build a strong marriage’ the course is open to those who are married and […]

In Ancient Persia, the men used to debate ideas once sober and once drunk, because the idea needed to sound good in both states in order to be considered a […]

In general being alone or being left by a partner means letting go of something so that you can enjoy your life and have fun. However, you also need to […]

In today’s dose of wild coincidences, we have a story about a couple from Texas. Well, an American woman named Kali Jo and her husband Cliff were blessed with twin […]

The Bong beauty of Bollywood Bipasha Basu is celebrating her 43rd birthday today. Bipasha entered Bollywood in 2001 with a negative role in the thriller Ajnabee, and since then, there’s […]

The reigning champions struggled in the first half before two of manager Pep Guardiola’s substitutes combined to break the deadlock after 63 minutes, Riyad Mahrez turning in Jack Grealish’s low […]

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