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Boss Uses Unique Method To Test Candidates

Written by on April 11, 2024

One boss has gone viral on Reddit for his unconventional approach to hiring sales engineers: a night out with a hidden test.

This method involves taking candidates for drinks and observing their behaviour after intoxication. While a job seeker recently shared a story about this experience, the ethical implications of judging someone based on their inebriated state are sparking debate.

The Reddit user wrote, “I interviewed with a company recently who told me about their process for interviewing sales engineers. They would go about the normal interview, but that evening, they would all go out for drinks and try to pump the recruits full of alcohol.” He further explained, how the top executives the top executives of select candidates for their sales engineer. The interviewer took the candidates out for drinks. In the sales business, drinking with customers is a common event to consider.

Source: NDTV