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Elephants are simply too heavy to be able to lift themselves up and off of the ground. While elephants can run quickly, hitting nearly 16 miles per hour, they weigh […]
They say there’s no deed bigger than feeding the hungry and Golden Temple in Amritsar has been doing this non stop for ages now! Yes, the Golden Temple has the […]
The first example of a ‘Vertical Forest’ (il Bosco Verticale) was inaugurated in October 2014 in Milan in the Porta Nuova Isola area, as part of a wider renovation project led […]
The Gate Tower Building is a 16-floor office building in Japan. It is notable for the highway offramp of the Ikeda Route that passes through the building. A wood and charcoal business held […]
The history of the Keiunkan inn dates back 1300 years to the year 705AD (the 2nd year of the Keiun era), when Fujiwara Mahito founded the inn. Because it was […]
The Son Doong Cave has a total length of nearly 9 km long and the volume is up to 38.5 million cubic metres, which makes this cave the largest natural […]
The Easter bunny and Easter eggs originated as pagan symbols of spring and rebirth. Over the centuries, these ancient symbols became associated with the Christian holiday of Easter such that the […]
In 1960 David Latimer got curious and decided to plant a glass bottle with seed. He would have never guessed it would turn into a beautiful case study of a […]
Bats are the only mammals that actually fly, flapping their wings to propel them in flight. Some mammals, such as flying squirrels, only glide rather than fly. Because bats are […]