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Dulha Dulhan Course

Written by on January 9, 2023

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Advertised as a ‘series of 15 sessions, designed to help couples ‘invest on their relationship and build a strong marriage’ the course is open to those who are married and those who are yet to tie the knot. The target age group is 18 to 65 years.

The course, among other issues, teaches the following: ‘What is Marriage’, ‘Understanding Mantra’, ‘Why Marriage’, ‘Anger Management’, ‘Rules and Responsibilities’, ‘Mistakes by Husbands’, ‘Basic Needs of Wife’, ‘Dos and Don’ts by Husbands’, ‘How Can You be an Ideal Husband’, ‘Happiness Mantra, ‘Foolish Expectations’, ‘How Can You be an Ideal Wife’, How to Win Your Husband’, and ‘Home Management and Decisions Impact’.

Lessons will be delivered through video conferencing or as audio lessons, lasting 60 minutes each. These lessons are offered in Hindi and English. The Institute lists its aims as: ‘Helping all to achieve healthy, fulfilling, loving long-term intimate relationships’, ‘Reducing the divorce rate India’, ‘Improving the emotional health of the families that children grow up in’, and ‘Unleash a wave of health in intimate relationships for future generations’.

It also has a focused list of those it would ideally like to help. These include singles who are having difficulty developing intimate relationships, couples currently in an intimate relationship which is characterised by ongoing conflict, distance and/or lack of satisfaction in relationship, and parents experiencing problems, difficulties and concerns raising children of any age.

Source: The Week