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Irish tourist visiting Abu Dhabi takes taxi driver to theme park

Written by on January 4, 2023

Liam Murphy seized a unique opportunity to share some joy with a local taxi driver. The test engineer from Cork, Ireland, was in the UAE on a work trip when he decided to travel by cab from Dubai to Abu Dhabi to check out Ferrari World. During the two hour drive, he learned that his taxi driver, Shakiha, had never been to an amusement park, so Murphy decided to do something about it. He bought Shakiha the $61 ticket that would let him come along.

“Every time he drops passengers off he stays in the car for the day,” Murphy told Buzzfeed. “I decided to bring him along for the laugh. He was great entertainment. I bought him some pizza on the way home. His family are in India and he said he sends money home each month. I felt sorry for him.” According to Murphy’s Facebook, it was also Shakiha’s first ride on a rollercoaster.

Source: Bored Panda