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Man holds NINE world records for putting everything in his beard

Written by on January 23, 2023

A man has notched up nine world records for putting everything from forks to straws in his beard. Joel Strasser secured the titles after sticking various objects into his facial hair. The strange array of items include everything from toothpicks, straws, chopsticks and Christmas baubles.

There has also been golf tees, forks, clothes pegs and pencils have all found temporary homes inside his beard. Joel is most recognised for his Christmas beard ornament challenge which is a record he has secured four times. Last year he managed to hang 710 clip-on ornament from his beard.

Joel Strasser says he self-identifies as a “weirdo” but his bizarre pastime has now earned him a string of records.

Joel told The Sun: “I would walk around the classroom when people weren’t paying attention and just shove things in my beard”

A student, who spotted his bizarre hobby, told him he should try and secure world records. Joel then started a YouTube channel to showcase his beard skills.

He said: “I wanted to make a video where I attempted to see if I could break the world record for most toothpicks in a beard. And I broke it.”


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