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‘World’s dirtiest man’ dies aged 94 just months after being persuaded to wash

Written by on November 7, 2022

Amou Haji reportedly gave up washing 67 years ago after becoming convinced that it could bring him bad luck, and even kill him.

Sadly, he did in fact end up dying shortly after he had a shower, though no link has been established.

State media said he died at the age of 94, although previous media reports about him in January this year had said he was 87.

Amou Haji sits in front of an open brick shack that the villagers constructed for him, on the outskirts of the village of Dezhgah in the Dehram distric

A short documentary called ‘The Strange Life of Amou Haji’ was made about him in 2013.

As well as his hygiene habits, he was also known for his good health, with scientists even running tests on him last year to see if he had any diseases or parasites.

Dr Gholamreza Molavi from the School of Public Health in Tehran said that all they found was a Trichinosis parasitic infection which appeared to be causing no symptoms.

He concluded that he must have remained so healthy by developing an extremely strong immune system.

In this file photo taken on December 28, 2018 Amou Haji (uncle Haji) lies on the ground on the outskirts of the village of Dezhgah in the Dehram district of the southwestern Iranian Fars province.
