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Breakfast Show

Page: 6

To dream of pain represents difficulties or loss. It may also reflect emotional pain or humiliation. It’s common to experience pain in a dream after a relationship has ended. Source: […]

A father broke the stereotype by organising a ‘baraat‘ for his daughter on her way home after her divorce. The father, while expressing his support for his daughter, said that […]

According to research, women cry 30 to 64 times a year, whereas men cry just 6 to 17 times per year

To dream that you are stuck idling in traffic represents frustrations with delays that you are experiencing. Decisions you’ve made are not progressing as fast as you’d like. You feel […]

To enhance the safety and comfort of traffic cops, the Chief of Police in Gujarat has introduced a novel pilot program: β€˜AC helmets’. These will help them battle the city’s […]

To dream of a gambling represents taking chances or seeing if you can benefit from just trying something. It may also represent an opportunity that requires you to put something […]

In a heartwarming display of love, a man orchestrated an elaborate Bollywood-inspired surprise wedding proposal for his girlfriend at Auckland airport, according toΒ CNN. The video of the innovative proposal is […]

Charlie Chaplin once entered a contest for Charlie Chaplin lookalikes and came in third.

To dream of a garbage can represents ideas, memories, habits, or situations that you don’t want to notice ever again. You want to see something over or simply don’t care […]

Cracking a walnut even with you bare hands is a massively difficult task, but Naveen Kumar, from India has created new Guinness World Records for the most walnuts cracked with […]